
Just like the dedication page of a book, I wanted to have a dedication page to thank the humans who have helped me, moved me, and shaped me to who I am today.

To Grandpa

For teaching me how to live.

To Alexis Mena 

For reminding me that we are not “too much” and we should never doubt ourselves.

To Patricia Persaud

For inspiring me to be intentional, proactive, and the “bigger person” for others.

To Arianna Bollers 

For showing unconditional love, support, and kindness to our friendship.

To Professor Julia V. Jordan 

For supporting my endeavors from near and far, and giving me the best advice on life: “design your dreams and work smartly to make them happen.”

To Samia Lemfadli 

For creating opportunities for our future generations, and inspiring me to leave our world a better place than we found it.