48-hours where problem solvers form teams to collaborate and design an innovative solution to the problem at hand, which will then be pitched to stakeholders
The Tree Pod | 2023
Spring Hackathon
The challenge is to improve an existing feature or create a new solution for Aurora’s software. Our proposed problem was that we treat trees as 100% opaque obstructions when simulating for a solar PV system’s shading losses, but in reality there are much more factors that go into a tree (growth cycle, foliage, etc)
The Tree Pod
Combining phenomenal phenology research, database compilation, 3D rendering, UI/UX prototyping, and shading engine computation, we can let dappled virtual light shine through the tree canopy. What if we saved trees, and generated more energy, in the process?
NASA International Space Apps Challenge | 2021
Have Seeds Will Travel!
To design a deployable crop production system capable of supporting the nutritional requirements of a crew of 4-6 on a transit mission to Mars and back to Earth.
NutriCube: Stowable and Stackable
We designed a stowable and stackable semi-closed looped system for growing vegetables and mushrooms, which will provide key nutrients and protein to crew members during their long-duration exploration missions. NutriCube is a packed kit that’s easy-to-install and would include a maintenance guide for astronauts. As packaged foods are consumed, and space availability increases, there is opportunity for NutriCube gardens to be installed – see full project page here!
Photo Credit: MD5
Hacking Emergency Response | 2017
• NSIN (National Security Innovation Network, formerly MD5)
• DoD (Department of Defense)
• MIT Innovation Initiative
• AFFOA (Advanced Functional Fabrics of America)
To build product prototypes that incorporate functional fabrics as part of a system that addresses emergency response in challenging environments (disaster sites, conflict zones, and other scenarios).
Hospital Bed On-The-Go:
Network of portable “hospital beds” with smart lining integrated in sleeping bags to monitor heart rate and regulate body temperature.
sleeping bag contains sensors sending data of vitals to a central computer determine who is in immediately need of attention
serves as a temporary comforter to keep victims warm while waiting for medical assistance
100x lighter and 20x more compact than a standard medical bed